Your Measuring Solutions!
DAHUA BF3221紅外線熱成像體溫篩選系統 -安裝在三腳架, 連接PC, 設定報警溫度如: 37.5C, 便可立即使用! -使用環境: 室內效果較佳, 不建議戶外使用! *附AI人臉識別功能!
DALI TE-W300紅外線熱成像體溫篩選系統 -安裝在三腳架, 連接PC, 設定報警溫度如: 37.5C, 便可立即使用! -使用環境: 室內效果較佳, 不建議戶外使用!
E5-XT External Imaging System -The security is on the three shelves, the PC is connected, and the alarm level is as follows as: 37.5C, it can be used immediately! -Use environment: the room works well, not built outside the use!
E6-XT External Imaging System -The security is on the three shelves, the PC is connected, and the alarm level is as follows as: 37.5C, it can be used immediately! -Use environment: the room works well, not built outside the use!
E6-XT/E8-XT External Imaging System -The security is on the three shelves, the PC is connected, and the alarm level is as follows as: 37.5C, it can be used immediately! -Use environment: the room works well, not built outside the use!
E4紅外線熱成像體溫篩選系統--不帶COLOR ALARM! -安裝在三腳架, 連接PC, MAX/MIN, 不帶COLOR ALARM! -使用環境: 室內效果較佳, 不建議戶外使用!
C3 External Imaging System -The amps are in the tripod, connected to the PC, MAX/MIN, not the ALARM ALARM! -Use environment: the room works well, not built outside the use!
AI software can be used for E5-XT/E6-XT/E8-XT cameras. -不能單獨使用, 必須連同Ex-XT 儀器才能使用!
Etekcity 1022 - has has been set for the sesmeasurement. - Fever temp s 38C
Etekcity 1022 - has has been set for the sesmeasurement. - Fever temp s 38C
The Sports 2 speed gun from Stalker is a lightweight and powerful sports radar gun designed to accurately measure speeds of balls, vehicles, and watercraft moving through the water, over land, or on water. Its strong build allows it to be used for various other applications like safety check the speed of construction and mining construction site vehicle. Measure speed as low as 8 km/h.
LTI 20/20 Truespeed DC -Long-range speed detection -Anti-jam technology -Data collection Speed Range: +/-320 km/h Accurac: +/-2 km/h
Precisa X60-HR Moisture Analyser
The RD8100 (successor to the RD8000) is the most advanced locator range, building on over 40 years of pedigree to deliver performance, quality and durability. Containing a unique arrangement of 5 custom manufactured, precision ground antennas, it allows you to choose the optimum level of precision for the job in hand.
Radiodetection Tx-10 Transmitter The Tx-10 has a highest current and induction capability. Based on a fully digital platform, the family of Radiodetection transmitters has been designed to support the range of Radiodetection RD7000, RD7100, RD8000 and RD8100 cable, pipe and RF marker locators.
Provide calibration certificate for gas detectors.
CNAS calibration certificates for temperature, humidity, velocity, pressure, force, etc.
Learn MoreChanging sensors for gas detectors and flue gas analyzers
Learn MoreOnsite testing of compressed air system for dewpoint, oil vapor and particles.
Learn More-dewpoint Testing -oil Vapor Testing -particle (0.5um and 5.0um) testing -microbial Testing Charged based on testing points (MOQ=4 points)
Learn MoreTemp Mapping for warehouse or freezer rooms -for temp and/or humidity
Calibration Certificate for IAQ meters
Calibration Certificate for particle counters/dust meters
1) 荃灣線:
- 由荃灣港鐵站可經A出口通往愉景新城的冷氣長廊,由商場青山道公路出口經過行人天橋橫過大涌道,右轉入白田霸街街尾,橫過沙咀道左轉半山街 (經通利琴行),左轉柴灣角街(步約15-20分鍾)
2) 西鐵線:
- 由荃灣西鐵站可經B出口沿海興路至海角路,穿過ONE MIDTOWN或萬達來工業大廈至柴灣角街, 直達裕豐工業大厦。(步行約8-10分鐘)
由深水埗 - 巴士 66、59A (荃景圍天橋站下車) , 30X (祈福新村下車), 234X(柴灣角街站下車)
由元朗 - 巴士 68M、69M、265M、269M、251M (荃景圍天橋站下車) 、268M (祈福新村下車)
由屯門 - 巴士 53、57M、58M、59M、59A、60M、61M、66、66M、67M、67A、 68A (荃景圍天橋站下車)
由東涌- E32A(祈福新村下車)
由青衣 - 巴士 A31 (大涌道福來站下車) , 243M 愉景新城下車, 43B (荃灣西站下車), 小巴409K
由油麻地/旺角/深水埗- 巴士 30X / 234X (大涌道站下車) , 紅VAN(福來村下車)
由尖沙咀 - 巴士 234X (荃灣柴灣角街站下車)
由新界東、沙田 - 巴士 48X (荃灣柴灣角街站下車) , 小巴481A 沙田市中心(大會堂側)
由大圍-巴士46X, 小巴481B
由火炭-小巴481街市街總站下車, 再沿福來村步行往工業區方向
由上水 - 巴士 278X (如心廣場總站下車); 279X 大欖隧道轉車站轉68M/69M/269M/265M(荃景圍下車)
由大埔 - 巴士 73X (如心廣場總站下車)
由觀塘 - 巴士 40 (柴灣角站下車) , 290/290A/290X(荃灣西站下車)
港島地區- 城巴 930/930X (祈德尊新邨、大涌道站下車)
九龍東、港島地區也可乘紅色小巴 (福來邨下車)
荃灣地區可乘小巴 95A, 96, 96A, 96B, 96M (荃灣沙咀道 或 柴灣角街下車)
葵芳地鐵站可乘小巴 302 (沙咀道下車), 87K(總站下車)
駕車人仕可直接停泊車輛於裕豐工業大廈1樓時租停車場 ,每半時$15